Automechanika 2012 (11-16 Sept, Frankfurt, Germany)
This year at Automechanika we showcased the updated SE5000 Exakt Duo digital tachograph, OPTAC3 tachograph analysis system and digiDL remote download solution.
The Frankfurt fair was also the first show to see our cutting-edge Optimo workshop platform. We ran presentations during the show and were very keen to get customer feedback. Optimo received a lot of interest. Our new “wireless” technologies – remote download, smartphone apps and Tacho Link dongle (launching in the UK soon) - were also very popular.
Visiting a total of 4593 exhibitors from 74 countries, this year there were more visitors from Eastern Europe and Russia this year and fewer from the Euro area than usual. Which was good for Stoneridge, as we received strong enquiries from the Russian and South American markets.
IAA 2012 (20-27 Sept, Hannover, Germany)

IAA 2012 was our biggest show this year, and we joined 1,904 exhibitors from 46 countries.
This year we showcased the new "One Minute Rule" digital tachograph, the SE5000 Exakt Duo; our free tachograph apps for Android phones - Duo Mobile and Tacho Center; and the OPTAC3 tachograph analysis software.
Being a global supplier to market leading OEMs, we were also displaying our range of state-of-the-art custom Instrument Clusters, control devices, telematics systems and our capabilities for future development.
IAA recorded a significant rise in visitor numbers this year, 260K people which is a rise of 9% since the last show in 2010.